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ちえこばぁばの手づくり小物Chiekobaabano tedzukuri komono

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ちえこばぁばの手づくり小物 プロフィールProfile

新潟市在住。 老化防止とリハビリを兼ねて作り始め、今では生きがいになっている83歳のばぁばの手づくり作品です。


Lives in Niigata City.
I started knitting and cloth accessories to prevent aging and rehabilitate, and now I am 83 years old. “Handmade” is my life now.
Since I am not a professional, I sell it at a price that is a little added to the material cost.
All the children (works) are cute and the time they are making is very happy.
If such works are loved by everyone, it will be an encouragement to make them.

(This English text is created by Google Translate)

Creator SNS
  • ig
Genre of handmade works

- 布小物(Piece of cloth accessory)
- 編み物(knitting)
- 編みぐるみ(Amigurumi)


1)First of all, please contact us after filling in the product number and necessary items (contact address, delivery address, payment method etc.) from the email form. 2)We will send you an email with the total amount including shipping and details of payment method. 3)Products will be shipped after payment is confirmed. ※Depending on the timing of your order, it may be sold out or out of stock.In that case, please note that we will cancel your order or notify you after the arrival. ※Please see the shop guide for details.
