キャンドル工房 mimin

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キャンドル工房 mimin

キャンドル工房 mimin Carving Candle factory mimin

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キャンドル工房 mimin プロフィールProfile


Lives in Niigata City.
I am making carving candles.
I was fascinated by carving candles and came almost by myself.
I made a blueprint for the dipping pot and ordered it from the ironworks, and imported and prepared other tools.
It is made by hand from the base, and the dipping work is repeated many times in the dipping pot, cut with a knife, and twisted by hand to make a work.
Since there are few creators, I think that gifts are unlikely to overlap with other things.
We produce candles for events throughout the year (Halloween, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Obon, Ohigan).
Also, I am the only one who produces “offering candles” in Japan. I would like you to use it when you can not rush to the corona or at a funeral outside the prefecture, or for a memorial service.
We also hold a candle class every month, so many people make it and give it as a gift.

(This English text is created by Google Translate)


カービングキャンドルについて(About Carving Candle)



A carving candle is made by immersing it in a special pot, cutting multiple layers  of colored wax with a knife, and twisting it by hand.
Everything, including the base, is handmade.
The soft light leaked from the cut base creates a very fantastic and healing space.

(This English text is created by Google Translate)

Creator SNS
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Genre of handmade works

- カービングキャンドル(Carving Candle)


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