こがね畳Kogane tatami
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こがね畳 プロフィールProfile
Lives in Niigata City.
Tatami is a traditional Japanese floor material.
The plate-shaped material that serves as the core material is called” tatamidoko”.
A rug made of woven natural rush is called “tatamiomote”.
“Tatamiomote” is wrapped around “tatamidoko” to make a tatami mat.
A band-shaped cloth called “Tatami-rim” is sewn on the edge for the purpose of stopping the tatami mat and for decoration.
In modern times, the number of rooms that use tatami mats is decreasing.
In order to convey the goodness of tatami mats made from natural rush, we make small items using tatami mat materials.
(This English text is created by Google Translate)
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